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Frequently Asked Questions

Subdermal Implant

A subdermal implant is a progestin-only implant that is inserted under the skin of the upper arm of women.
Progestin-only Subdermal Implant - PSI

No. Studies have not shown increased risk of any cancer with use of implants.

Women who stop using implants can become pregnant quickly because there is immediate return to fertility after the implant is removed. The woman’s menstrual pattern before she used implants generally returns after the implant is removed.

No. Subdermal contraceptive implants are safe and appropriate for most women and adolescents and is 99 percent effective. In the very rare situation that a woman becomes pregnant while using an implant or accidentally an implant was inserted when she is already pregnant, studies shows that implants will not cause birth defects and will not harm the baby.

Yes, a woman can do her usual work immediately after leaving the clinic. She should protect the insertion site from accidental bumps and water.

No. Subdermal implant do not move around in a woman’s body. The implants remain where they are inserted until they are removed. It can be felt anytime by  touching the skin where it was inserted. On rare occasions,an implant may start to come out, most often in the first four months after insertion. This usually happens because they were not inserted well or because of an infection where they were inserted. If a woman notices an implant coming out, she should start using a backup contraceptive method and return to the clinic immediately.

There had been instances of implant getting damaged under the skin. When the integrity of the subdermal implant is not assured, replace it with a new one.

No. Studies on Etonogestrel implant have not shown that a woman’s weight causes a decrease in the effectiveness of subdermal implants.

Breastfeeding women can use subdermal implants right after giving birth or within 48 hours after giving birth.

Leaving the subdermal implant in a woman’s arm beyond their effectivity is generally not recommended if the woman continues to be at risk of pregnancy. The implants themselves are not dangerous, but as the hormone levels of the implants drop, they become less and less effective. The subdermal implants are made of chemically inert materials. Even if left for longer periods, they are not health risks to the woman.

No. Body weight is affected by the combination of diet, physical activity and age. In rare cases of unplanned weight gain or weight loss and body weakness, during implant use, return to the clinic for removal of the implant and get a new  method of contraception.

Mood and libido can be affected by changes in the relationship and not by the  use of subdermal contraceptive implants.

The duration of contraceptive protection varies from 3-5 years depending on the brand. A woman can have the implant removed any time. Implants are an excellent contraceptive method for women who wish to plan the first birth or young mothers who want to plan their next birth for two or more years. It is also good for couples not wanting to get pregnant at any time in the future but are not interested in permanent contraceptive methods such as BTL or NSV or are not medically eligible for sterilization, or for other long-acting contraceptive methods such as the IUD.

A woman can have implant service in the following facilities:

  1. All city and municipal health centers provide implant contraceptives for FREE.
  2. Government hospitals with family planning facilities.
  3. Private birthing homes or lying-in clinics.
  4. Private doctors and clinics.

Click HERE to search for Providers of “Implant” located near you.

Source: “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Modern Family Planning Methods: Stop Rumors, Myths And Misconceptions with Correct Answers to Everyday Questions About Modern FP Method” by the Philippine DOH, USAID and JHPIEGO

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