Also called: “The Pill”, Birth Control Pills, Low-dose Combined Pills, OCPs, and OCs
A healthy female normally ovulates (releases one or two eggs from the ovaries) every month from puberty until her menopause. Pills change the body’s hormone levels to stop a female from ovulating and decrease her chance of getting pregnant. The pills also make the cervical mucus thick and impairs the entry of sperm into the uterus.
These are prescription pills that come in a pack, and you take 1 pill every day for it to be effective.

Women should first get a consultation, examination, and prescription from their midwife, nurse or doctor before taking pills.

Oral contraceptive pills are 99.7% effective in preventing pregnancy when used properly. With typical use, the effectiveness rate is lower at 92.0%. Pills have to be taken daily and can conveniently become a part of your everyday routine. Pill packs are small and can be carried wherever you go.
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