In the Philippines, two types of IUD are available:
The Copper T380 (TCu) which is a T-shaped plastic device with a copper coil wrapped around its stem and copper bands around its arms. The device releases copper to prevent fertilization. It has a two-stranded monofilament tail. This type of IUD is effective for 12 years.
The Hormonal-releasing IUD (e.g., levonorgestrel-releasing IUS or Mirena) are made of plastic and steadily release small amounts of progesterone. This type of IUD is of limited availability locally and is effective for five years.

IUDs are safe for most women even those who:

Had a miscarriage with no infections


Had an ectopic pregnancy

Had a Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Have mild HIV

The healthcare provider inserts the IUD inside a woman’s vagina, goes past the cervix, and rests it in the uterus.
The procedure can be painful but only takes a few minutes.

- Highly effective and very safe
- Has no effect on the amount or quality of breast milk
- Does not interfere with sexual intercourse
- One time application and immediate return to fertility upon removal
- Can be inserted immediately after childbirth or after miscarriage

The IUD is a long-term contraception.

It does not need regular visits to the doctor.
Talk to us.
If you have questions about the Intrauterine Device, you can talk to us privately through our Facebook Messenger. This service is free.