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Breast Self-Exam: Here's your reminder to check yourself

How to do a breast self-exam?

With workouts to keep you in shape and skincare routines to keep your face young, breast self-exams are just as important to include in your self care routines. It’s good to check your melons every once in a while, even just once in a month, to make sure they’re doing fine. Knowing how your breasts feel normally will help a lot if a need arises to give them extra care. The earlier you detect a certain discomfort, the earlier the treatment for a possible breast cancer.

Yes, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, we all have boobies and doing literal breast strokes is basically what a breast self-exam is. There’s no shame in the tit game, as every folk deserves a healthy pair.

How to begin?

  1. While raising your arms above your head, you can choose to stand up in front of a mirror or perform the exam while lying flat on your back.
  2. See and notice the slightest of changes in size, shape, skin color, texture, and if there are any swelling in any part of your breasts.
  3. Touch, press, and feel your breasts in a circular and an up and down motion.
  4. Check for lumps (usually in the size of coin or a mouse trackball), pain, rashes, nipple discharge, and dimpling.
  5. Make sure to check around your boob area: front, side, under, and even your underarms.
  6. For any sign of discomfort, findings, and uncertainty, let your doctor know.

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