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Due date? Here's what to pack in your hospital bag

✅ Checklist below

Moms-to-be, preparing your hospital bag a couple of months before your estimated due date is essential. This will make it easier for you and your loved ones to grab everything you need in case you go into early labor and need to go to a birthing facility. 

We’ve prepared a couple of checklists to help make sure you’ve packed all the essentials for the most awaited due date! You will be needing to pack two bags, one for you and one for the baby. (Make that three, if you’re also packing for your partner and anybody who will accompany you in the hospital.)

Tap on the buttons below to download your own digital checklists you can check off from your device! All free for your personal use.

Mommy’s Hospital Bag Checklist

  1. Important documents you own to put in one folder, such as: prenatal records & admission slip, PhilHealth ID, marriage certificate (if married), birth plan, HMO, insurance documents if you have one, and government-issued IDs.
  2. Toiletries a.k.a. all the essentials you need like a towel, toothbrush, soap, deodorant, feminine wash, etc.
  3. Maternity Pads for after giving birth. Postpartum bleeding is usually heaviest during the first few days after giving birth and will eventually become lighter. It can last for up to 6 weeks.
  4. Underwear, you can also go for disposable ones since they’ll probably get soiled from all the heavy bleeding.
  5. Maternity / Nursing Bras to give you better support when breastfeeding your baby. 
  6. Sweater & socks for when the hospital gets too cold.
  7. Comfy change of clothes good for 2 to 3 nights (plus face masks and your face shield!)
  8. Slippers
  9. Phone charger and power bank

Baby’s Hospital Bag Checklist

  1. Baby Mittens to protect themselves from easily scratching their skin.
  2. Socks or Booties help keep babies warm. 
  3. Bonnets 
  4. Baby Clothes such as tie side tops and pajama bottoms. Since newborns are so delicate, it’s safer to have them wear clothes that are easier to put on instead of onesies that need to go over their heads. It’s best to bring a lot of change of clothes since babies tend to get messy.
  5. Disposable Diapers and a lot of them. Babies’ stomachs are still very small, making them poop and pee more often than adults do. 
  6. Swaddles & Receiving Blankets help make newborns feel safe and warm like they were still in their mother’s womb.
  7. Burp Cloth or Lampin as the most versatile thing you will ever need from wiping spit-ups, to sneezes, and milk dribbles.
  8. Wet Wipes
  9. Bath Towel
  10. Toiletries & Grooming Kit with all of the essentials such as rubbing alcohol, baby soap, shampoo, comb, nail file or nail cutter, baby lotion, baby powder, etc.

Company’s Hospital Bag Checklist

It’s also best to prepare in advance a hospital bag for your husband, partner, or anyone who is accompanying you to the hospital to avoid a clutch preparation on the big day.

Make sure to have them pack a set of clothes, cellphone chargers, their own toiletry kits, towel, jacket, extra blanket, and pillow for when they sleep in the hospital. Snacks and some pastime items, like a book, is also a good idea to bring as they will be expecting to wait for some time while you are on labor.

You may visit this page for more information on maternal health care and visit our Health Facility Locator should you need to find a birthing facility near you.

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