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Bloody Good Stretches for Period Cramps

Monthlies and movements

Chances are, it’s that time of the month again and your hot compresses and pain killers take too long to ease your headaches, lower abdomen cramps, nausea, or your ability to sleep it off. If you find yourself better in bed than working even at home, having a default method to alleviate discomfort (without the need to bring yourself to walk) is a good idea. When menstrual pain wins over your go-to heat and medication, activities where you least expect to work, can actually be of help.

Like stretching.

Not the curling-into-a-ball-on-the-floor type of stretching, but some yoga poses you can do wherever you’re at. Continue below to see some movements you can do during your monthlies.

Pelvic Tilt

Lay flat on your back with your legs bent. Pull your pelvis up slightly and down slowly. Doing so repeatedly will help stretch the area of discomfort and alleviate the pain coming from your lower abdomen.

Forward Bend

Get on your feet for this move. Put your arms up and bend slowly. Try to reach your toes without bending your knees. Some comfort for your back will be regained.

Child’s Pose

Get down on the floor, facing forwards. Fold your legs and bend forwards, stretching your arms in front. A better version of the ball curling, a classic yoga move. 

Knee to Chest

Lay flat on your back and hug your knees to your chest. A kind of upside-down version of the Child’s Pose. May be done alternating knees, until pain eases. 

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