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LISTEN: Lovely songs that make you love yourself

A playlist from me to me.

In days where we look for that much-needed confidence boost, the go-to resolution is just a self pep talk. Or so we thought. Sometimes, talking to yourself in front of a mirror and giving yourself assurance that everything will be better, will need a little more help.

More than our own efforts, receiving pep talks from complete strangers may be easier than we think. Anonymity is an opportunity we can take on the internet to freely find people we can relate to. Support groups are on the rise and more often than not, having an outlet can help you beyond your own circumstances.

Similarly, asking for professional advices from the comfort of your own home is also an option. Self acceptance may be a longer journey for you and a companion may be what you need today. Our resident health professionals are always online for you, for free. Any concerns about your sexual and reproductive health? You can talk to us anytime.

But what if I need a boost from someone without actually talking to them? There are indirect ways of receiving pep talks from strangers, too. Also known as music, this option may make listeners feel how the artists intend them to feel. It’s both a self pep talk depending on which songs you dedicate to yourself and a stranger’s way of reaching out.

So as our way of letting you know how you deserve the self acceptance you’re longing for, you can listen to the full playlist on Spotify or play the snippets below.

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