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These are cute ways to ask for consent in more-than-cute situations

Our kind of 🛌 talk

It should be reinforced how sex ed isn’t just information on body functions but is also our introduction to consent — from holding hands to bedroom situations. Reading body languages, nerves, and uncomfortable silences all before hitting the sheets should be a learned skill by the time we grow older, and verbalizing our needs should get easier.

But because of limited resources to honest sexual and reproductive health information, here’s a reminder that sex is supposed to be a yes for all partners. Keeping quiet and guessing is nobody’s reco, so have a habit of talking about what you want and learning how to ask for what your partner wants for a more comfortable experience.

Keep reading for a few words you can use to ask before and during your sweet time.

“What do you want to do?”

A classic line to start off anything. Simple and straightforward, practice asking your partner without the pressure of your bedroom implication. This is what I’m thinking, what about you?

“Can I kiss you?”

The perfect innocent question after having a sweet first date. Because if it all goes well, you’ll know your partner enough if they prefer you keep on asking or they gift you free passes for your surprise smooches.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Make sure things are enjoyable for all parties involved. Stay considerate, lovebirds.

“How do you want it?”

We’re getting into specifics. This can be verbalized before, during, and even after sex to take note how your partner enjoys your time. See how their needs fit yours.

“Let me know you’re ready”

Period. Once you are, an enthusiastic reply from your partner will get the show started.

And what comes with these safety words are safety measures for a more enjoyable time. Read more on birth control and stay protected, dearies.

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