Related: The ABCs of Consent
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Start your days right with a fiber of information about your body, emotions, and reproductive rights. Watch Infoats, a cereal commercial parody to introduce local content published by @rhcareinfo on the web and on social media.
The cereal box labels are true descriptions of what you can expect from the information shared by RH Care Info. Consume edutainment content from articles, animations, and support groups to break the long-term taboo effect of talking about things surrounding sexual health. And yes, you can actually save the stickers mentioned for Viber and Telegram.
Learn more about the whole gains of insights (🌾s) here.
Feed your mind and feel more awake everyday with peach-flavored nutrition by Infoats.
It’s your good source of awareness to keep your body, emotions, and rights safe from harmful taboos found in common places of misinformation.
Now with 5 whole gains of insights, add fresh milk to boost some sex-positivity, strength in smashing stigmas, inspiration for survival stories, proper maternal health care, and better consent cultrure.
Explore the cereal box for free stickers or travel through time by scanning this QR code to have it on your smartphones.
Find your safe spaces within the Infoats community who believe that breakfast and awareness don’t have to be bland.