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Barbie takes on reproductive health: recap and spoilers!

She’s a fellow reproductive health advocate 💅

Heads up! This article has spoilers for the new Barbie movie that came out in 2023. So if you haven’t seen it yet and don’t want any spoilers, you might want to skip this one. 😊

The new Barbie movie has been making headlines for its record-breaking premiere and its exploration of various themes, including feminism and women’s health. Two related scenes in particular have garnered attention because of their comedic yet realistic take, sparking important conversations about women’s health and reproductive rights.

One scene is where Barbie, played by Margot Robbie, confronts a group of men who are heckling her. As a doll, she tells them the simple truth that, she has no genitals and neither does Ken. This scene is one of the factors that contribute to Barbie experiencing humanly things as she steps into the real world. The movie then closes with Barbie going to a gynecologist appointment, implying the beginning of her journey towards understanding and embracing her own humanity.

The ending may seem like an insignificant comic bit but it’s actually a powerful conversation starter. With Barbie taking care of her reproductive health, the movie normalizes these discussions, helping break down stigmas and encourage more open conversations.

Aside from the movie’s portrayal of women’s health, it also explored feminism, paralleling workplace hierarchies in both the Barbie world and the real world, amongst many other examples.

The promotions for this movie have certainly gone viral and have been the subject of much discussion both positive and negative. However, the fact that this sparked conversations about important topics not commonly featured in popular media, is a positive development.

From dress up to check-up, it’s a reminder that even something as seemingly lighthearted as a Barbie movie can have a profound impact on society—or at least, its viewers.

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