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Aftercare: Hygiene After the Deed

Washing up is the cherry on top 🍒🛏️

Aftercare is a pretty important part of sexual health, but it’s something that people often forget about. Aside from cuddles, it’s all about keeping things clean and avoiding infections after getting intimate. The rest of your scroll will tell you why this matters and how to practice good hygiene after doing the deed.

Sexual activity can lead to the spread of bacteria and other microorganisms, which can cause infections if not properly managed. Aftercare helps to eliminate these microorganisms and reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other health issues.


1. Urinate After Sex
Urinating after sex helps to flush out bacteria from the urethra, reducing the risk of UTIs. This is particularly important for women, as they have a shorter urethra, making it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder.

2. Cleanse Your Body
Gently washing your vulvas and penises with water after sex can help remove any bacteria or bodily fluids.

3. Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water can help flush out bacteria from your system and keep your urinary tract healthy.


1. Douche
Douching, or washing out the inside of the vagina with water or other mixtures of fluids, can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and increase the risk of infections.

2. Ignore Symptoms
If you experience symptoms such as itching, burning, unusual discharge, or discomfort during urination after sex, seek medical attention promptly. These could be signs of an STI or other infection.


Practicing good aftercare is a simple yet effective way to maintain your sexual health. It’s always okay to discuss these topics with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions.

Safe sex doesn’t end when the act is over; taking care of your body afterwards is just as important! Stay healthy and stay informed.

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